Saturday, January 16, 2010

CIA Spy Assassin – An Inside Job?

Source : PKKH

Seven CIA agents were killed by another CIA agent who had conveniently met with and recorded a video with yet another CIA agent. To untangle this web, we need to ask the age-old question – ‘who benefits?
The recent assassination of seven CIA spies in Afghanistan at the hands of another CIA spy has raised a host of questions about the operations of the infamous agency. Since its creation, the CIA’s history is replete with murder, drug running, false flag attacks and God only knows what else evil for the sake of the ever-expanding American empire. Could it be that the incident at the Afghan spy base is yet another black feather in the agencies cap?

A Jordanian double agent was able to pass through multiple security checks and blow up the spies in Khost with relative ease in what is the most successful attack on the agency in years. Yet questions were immediately raised when the world was told that the Jordanian was due to meet seven high-ranking CIA officers allegedly in order to exchange critical intelligence on the whereabouts of Ayman al Zawahiri – al Qaeda’s number two.

The CIA’s bread and butter business is murder, theft and extortion, and runs counter to all law, natural or man-made. Yet the agency has for the sake of its operational expediency, a few rules which are inviolable. The meeting itself was a violation of CIA protocol, which dictates that agents meet only with their handlers and no one else. The idea that an astonishing SEVEN agents rushed especially to meet the Jordanian goes totally against the agency rule-book. That this meeting could even take place only makes sense if we surmise that it was authorized from the highest echelons of the agency

In addition, the video that conveniently surfaced afterwards of the Jordanian bomber holding hands with TTP arch-terrorist Hakimullah Mehsud only further muddies the waters. What did the TTP have to do with targeting the CIA, or anything American, when their primary (only) target has always been Pakistani Muslims? Why would the TTP waste time on making MTV videos when they are desperately on the run from the Pakistan Army? After all, the TTP is itself a CIA sponsored and funded outfit. Why are they physically biting the hand that feeds them?
The fact is, the TTP is on the ropes having been eliminated first from Swat, and then South Waziristan. Its rampage of terror against innocent Pakistani civilians has shocked and appalled the population at large who are now convinced that the group must be destroyed at any cost. Having totally much of its public support, operational capability and ability to destabilize the Pakistani state, the TTP has dramatically faded in value as an asset for the CIA. Meanwhile, with the American war in Afghanistan getting worse and worse in terms of tangible results, the CIA is being targeted by a cross-section of the American media for its continual intelligence failures.

Put simply, seven CIA agents were killed by another CIA agent who had conveniently met with and recorded a video with yet another CIA agent. By having the Jordanian kill its own, the CIA bigwigs may have sought to kill the proverbial two birds with one assassin. First, with its agents dead, the CIA was able to mobilize American public support for the American Afghan surge and respect for its ‘sacrifices’. Second, with the bombers TTP connection, the CIA may have hoped that the terrorist group might regain some of its lost credibility amongst the Pakistani people by being affiliated with a successful attack on the ‘hated’ CIA.

The CIA would kill its own agents without any hesitation at all. It has done so often in its sordid history. The sheer ruthlessness with which this terrorist agency conducts its operations is well documented. But this time its scheme flopped. Pakistani opinion was unmoved regarding the TTP and the American media only asked yet more cutting questions of the agency. Yet when the attempt to resurrect the TTP in Pakistan failed, the CIA desperately diverted the issue by planting stories in the US and Indian media of the possibility of the ISI’s involvement in the attack on its spies. Many stories falsely alleged that traces from ISI origin military grade explosives had been found at the scene. Lies upon lies!

Whereas in some places the CIA inspires fear and awe, in Pakistan, it only inspires anger and contempt. The Pakistani people are wise to the chicanery of this devious organization. Through its sponsorship of the TTP and its buy-out of the corrupt political classes, the CIA has openly declared its malicious intent to balkanize, denuclearize and destroy the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

They plot and they plan, but Allah is the best of Planners!

Are Hindu Extremists Going To Sabotage This Year’s Commonwealth Games In India?

Source : PKKH
Written by : Pakistan Ka Khuda HafiZ
Sumayya Chawla | ,PKKH Editorial Team
After reports of threats made by the Hindu Extremist party, Shiv Sena, against the Australian cricket team, the Australian government and media are now very concerned about the safety of their players in India. So they should be. This threat was issued in reaction to incidents of random violent attacks against Indian nationals in some Australian cities. While the concern of the Indian government about the safety of its citizens is justified, it should be noted that Shiv Sena or the Army of Lord Shiva, is the same right wing Hindu extremist political party that has over the past years orchestrated violence against minorities in India, intimidated political opponents and carried out a reign of terror and intimidation against anyone who dares to speak against their hate-mongering leader Mr. Bal Thackeray. Hence if Bal Thackeray has issued a threat against the visitors, it is indeed a worrisome development for the international community in terms of the security of their players during the Commonwealth games which are to be held in India this year.

There is a long list of heinous acts of violence that have been perpetrated by Hindu extremist parties like Shiv Sena for decades in India.

Apart from a history of genocide against Muslims, more than 2500 Muslims were massacred in 2002 in the Indian state of Gujarat where horrible scenes of arson, mutation and rape were perpetrated by the Hindu extremists against the unarmed Muslims. However, the hatred of the Hindu extremists is not limited towards Muslims; As recently as 2009 there have been violent attacks and alleged “reconversion” of over 1,700 Christians in the week leading up to Christmas by Hindu extremists. Something similar happened in August 2008 when around 600 Christians became victims of violent attacks by Hindu Extremists in Eastern India. It is noteworthy that Shiv Sena, the party that has issued threats against the Australian cricketers, is also one of the main military wings of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu extremist organization that influences the policies of every single political party in India, be it BJP, Congress or any other. In a recent talk show, RSS spokesman Tarun Vijay dubbed Australians as the “most atrocious and horrendous racists on this planet”.

It is indeed ‘atrocious’ that this statement came from an organization that leads all the Hindu extremists groups, which are many and are mushrooming into newer and deadlier groups, and adhere to the violent ideology that Hinduism is the only religion and culture acceptable for humanity and that it is perfectly legitimate to use violence as means to achieve their goals. Perhaps, this is the reason why some officials in Australia are already sounding the alarm and casting doubts on Australia’s participation in the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. Sunshine Coast swimmer Nick D’Arcy alleged that he has been told by Swimming Australia insiders that the 2010 Commonwealth Games may have to be abandoned due to security concerns. Apparently, it’s not just the Aussies who are feeling the heat. England too, is seriously considering pulling out of this year’s Commonwealth Games in India over fears its athletes will be victims of a terrorist attack, only this time the threat is from India’s home-grown Hindu fanatics.

This threat also puts the thousands of Australian and other foreign professionals currently working or residing in India in a very risky position, for it is likely that in such a situation they might be targeted by this politically and ideologically motivated bunch of Hindutva activists. A recent cartoon, likening the Victorian police with the Ku Klux Klan shows the extremes to which the Indian media has gone to portray the incidents in Australia in a racial light. Therefore, a little urging from the likes of Bal Thackeray will be enough to set off mobs of inflamed and angry right wing militants seeking ‘revenge’ on the visitors. The extent of this concern can be determined by the reports that the Australian athletes participating in the Commonwealth games, if (and that is a big If) they are held in India at all, will be accompanied by members of the Australian Federal Police. If this happens, it will be a complete embarrassment for the Indian government as it would be a clear indication that it is entirely incapacitated and helpless before the right wing Hindu extremists.

The international community should perhaps seriously weigh in on the options that they have in terms of holding the Commonwealth games in another country as the simmering tensions between India and Australia, especially in view of the threats issued by Shiv Sena set a dangerous precedent for all those attending the games. Adding to this threat is the havoc that Maoist rebels are creating inside India along with several other separatist movements by rebel groups in the North East. The country is fast turning into a dangerous cocktail of Right Wing Hindu extremism and unrest among the minorities that have been long-oppressed by the Brahmin ruling elite. It would only be rational and responsible on behalf of all the relevant governments to think twice before sending their athletes to what is fast turning into one of the most dangerous places in the Sub-Continent for non-Hindus.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Aman Ki Asha ..Chaankiya tactic Bollywood style

At first it seems like a heavenly idea , two brothers from 'same tribe' who once separated due to UNKNOWN reasons coming together and hoping to rekindle the love that was either lost or forgotten.

This is bollywood style spoken in urdu to a pakistani audience and what a beauitful treat ..did you even think of it ..BIG B ..the same Big B who is such a phenomenal celebrity and seems like a man from mars interms of acheivements ..achievements indeed man with a heart for humanity can become friends with Baal Thackrey ..and close to the extent that Thakrey comes to his defence when ever BIG B needed it thats what one calls success one of his interview Thackrey commented

"Bachchan is not only my friend , we have family relations. When ever he has time he
comes over and visits us.Our friendship has lasted fourty years and there has been
no strain in our relationship"..
Source : The Hindu  / 28/02/07

on the same side of the shining indian spectrum there are  bollywood singers , actors and writer ..Gulzar ..the great Gulzar so to speak ..the man who not once in his life regretted missing the very train that was enroute to Pakistan during the time of partition ..despite being refused the right to own property in cities like mumbai owing to the fact that he is muslim after all ..none of these hindu apologists dare to go against the hinduvita ...

Another famous name in the indian politics Narinder Modi who is seen or rather eyed as the next Prime Minister of the biggest democracy is a man that requires no introduction , soon he may be seen stirring the jhankaar of peace from that side of the border , but history will remember him as pharoah of Gujrat ..

Varun Gandhi sheds more light on the Hindu mentality ..rather more blatantly ...

on the pakistan side however u see ...all those LIBERALS who have dedicated their lives to the shame that is cause to them because they are pakistanis .. what a pity indeed ..if we are so low as a nation why the Police man of South Asia wants to be friends with us in the first place, shouldnt the criteria for friendship with a country having the remarkable stature as india be challenging consequently...the answer lies in history and psychology of the chaankiya ideology ...

Quran says ..Indeed there are signs for Men of Understanding -[ sura Al Baqarah]

but these men and women are 'liberals' they cant understand the simple fact that India happens to be the state that is sponsoring terroism in the Land of Pure using different fronts including Afghanistan , Nepal and other neighboring countries. For them to have friendship with India is the next best thing that may open doors for dance schools , prospering of Arts and Music , and most of all a softening of the image from this side of the border. All this according to these people who are in stunning minority is no big cost that is paid against National Indentity , Pride and National Security. what these apologists fail to see is the hardended and staunch caste system , the social injustice that is way beyond our imaginations , the poverty that indians despite their so called economic successes have failed to curtail , the rising aggressions of the Hindu Extremism etc. All this is overlooked when compared with the glitz and glam of media and bollywood and the songs that are written on the premise of hypnosis .

Here is a final video dedicated to the sponsors of Aman Ki Asha :)

cow urine as drink in india

Peace is not a state of mind , its not fiction , peace is only made real when the two sides having conflict either make amends for the losses they caused to eachother or respect eachother's identities and existence. If only peace can be initiated by songs and flashy movies ..the world would  have been no less than heaven.