Friday, May 1, 2009

When karachi burns..

Salaar khan is one of the IDPs {internally displaced people] who moved from tribal areas to Karachi mainly because Karachi is a place he thought he can get shelter , where his relatives have been living for decades. But he was wrong , he is not welcomed and those on one end of the city are eyeing him for an association are vowing to giving him support where as the other party concerned is vying to displace him once again because Karachi belongs to them. Salaar and his family are therefore in limbo, counting every minute of their life as a blessing from divine. They had their house , a reasonable living , a source of income to live about..and now they are begging for safety.

Karachi burnt for three days , and Islamabad remained silent..said by many as a semblance of ..criminal silence ..PPP refuses to point a figure on his respected allies who wine and dine with the American and british delegates more often than any other political party in Pakistan, their relations with democrats and republicans both are alike..friendly and consistant..Because POLICIES are consistent between them.

People died and wept for mercy but there was none ..Because for one ..Karachi belongs to them ..And for the other .its for everyone ..those who died were not urdu speaking or pakhtuns ..They were Pakistanis..does any one cared about that .In any other country , things would have experienced a halt ..a sorrowful pause ..and an urgent emergency would have been declared to bring facts out. But this is Pakistan..where might is ALWAYS right.

Those why cry about talibanisation of Karachi are refusing the simple logic that why would Taliban abandon their glamourous rule in Swat, Orakzai , Mommand , and other agencies ..and instead move to Karachi ,where another army [ a private one offcourse] is waiting for the battle come what may .

Tehreek E Taliban Paksitan is a militant outfit , it has no ideology , just like these thugs in white collar attire..TTP will only expand its operations in Karachi when a proper supply line is ensured from abroad, incase the RULERS in karachi have provided them with one ..there indeed exists no reason for them to come and conquer the Jewel of the crown ..

On one of the talk shows yesterday ..A Senator from PPP, Faisal Raza Abidi ..proudly and sarcastically asks Waseem Akhtar, an MNA from MQM ..why don’t u do anything about those 250 armed men situated in Rufi Green Land ,Gulistan E jauhar Karachi if you are so concerned about karachi’ and the reply is a mere SMILE ..a smile that tells all ..we call the shots ..

There is a inevitable calling for these power corridors to be eliminated in principle ..where these corrupt , insane monsters are to be replaced ..even a reasonably idiot bunch can serve Pakistan better when compared with these thugs.

So if a pakhtun dies ..he is labeled to be ANP worker , and same for the urdu speaking member of the society ..karachi burnt and continues to burn ..only that we have become too immune with this rage of insanity from both ends.For now all of them are living much to their reputation.

May Allah Bless Pakistan ..Ameen

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